Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Po: R.I.P.

For those of you who stayed til the end of Adventure Club's set back at The Gateway a couple weeks ago, you may have noticed little bunches of cotton scattered all over the dance floor. You may have also noticed that the lovable stuffed panda Po (named after the kung fu master himself) mysteriously disappeared that night. Indeed, it seems that Po may have gone a little too crazy during my set and was torn apart by the killer bass. That's right - PK Sound is to blame for his death. But I forgive them.

Po, you may be replaced but you will never be forgotten. I hope panda heaven has more bamboo trees and noodles than you can possibly handle.

1 comment:

  1. It all makes sense now(but not really). Luis and I have a hamster named Po, named as well after master Po (he looked far more like a panda then he did a hamster). He just died mysteriously the other night (hopefully not torn apart by the hands of bass!), and we a burying him today. Perhaps he will join your Po in hammy panda heaven.
